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Friday, April 28, 2017

Take It Easy, You'll Get There – With Or Without Kundalini

You’re worried that other people are making more progress on the spiritual pathway. You'd give anything for a quick fix to enlightenment. There's certainly no lack of tempting Shangri-La proffers. Strip-mall yoga studios, check-out line spiritual magazines on parade, water cooler inspired mindfulness discussions. The familiar optimism while you're at your umpteenth seven-day, total transformation retreat. And then, the return to the fray followed by a letdown.

Alas, there is no mythical Himalayan utopia, no happy land, isolated from the outside world. Only the drip, drip, drip of everyday life. Fox News, MS-NBC, news and fake news, saber-rattling, money-making, penny-pinching, love-starved, thrill-a-minute reality TV.

Rule One: Don't make your spiritual quest a competition.

You know you're different. You feel different. You are different. You're ready to make the effort, to answer the call: meditation, kundalini, mindfulness, yoga — some catalyst that will take you to the "there" beyond duality. will get there: self-actualization, salvation, self-realization, enlightenment. You name it; they're one and the same — no matter the bells and whistles. All roads lead to the same destination. Not in this lifetime, perhaps, but eventually. Moreover...

If they're not for you, don’t undertake pretzel-bending yogic contortions, declarations of faith, or kundalini devotions. You don’t have to spend years of your life meditating like Gopi Krishna and myself.

Rule Two: Don't force it.

Why? Because the more strenuous the practice, the more likely you’ll get caught up in something you never bargained for. It's not a race; it's not competitive. There are no medals for spiritual excellence. Not everyone is suited for exertion, be it mental, physical, or spiritual.

So what makes me say you’ll get there anyway? Evolution, that’s what! Ever thought about it? About the one-celled life forms we evolved from? About how long it took us to evolve from that lowly avatar to where we are today? That’s right; we think we’re the greatest. We hold dominion over all, don’t we? Look around: things don’t appear so secure, not as secure as we might desire or imagine. Maybe we haven't finished evolving. Maybe there’s a lot of ground to cover.

Time, like an ever-rolling stream...
Of course, you can try to jumpstart the process. Yoga, Tai-Chi, kundalini yoga, crystals, scientology, mindfulness, witchcraft.

Does the process you’re currently involved with work? Has it made a real difference in your life? Are you following through with it? Did you get all whooped up, just to watch it peter out? Practice relentlessly only to get no results?

I don’t mean to be cynical about spiritual purpose. I know a lot of people are succeeding, just as others are not. But what are the increasing numbers of seekers really looking for? When you boil all the white noise down to first principles, they’re looking to dissolve duality and merge with the Energy Continuum. In other words, Oneness — No matter the path, purpose, or practice.

Nevertheless, many sincere seekers fall by the wayside, which leads to disenchantment, disaffection, and discouragement. No need to berate yourself. Live an honest life, follow the Golden Rule and evolution will do the rest:

“If it's a set of moral standards for daily life, what more do you need than the Golden Rule? 'Treat others as you would like to be treated' or its Judaic counterpart, 'What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.' Most religions share this ethic of reciprocity. If the world’s population observed it, it's hard to imagine crime or war existing. But that's another issue.
"If the goal of religion is enlightenment or salvation, above and beyond a moral code for leading a good life, then the various religions have done a poor job. Wars, pogroms, crusades, jihads, persecutions, sexual molestations, inquisitions, witch-hunts are only some of their failings.”
Finding God - Within Or Without”  ~ JJ Semple

Rule Three: "What is hateful to you, do not do to your fellow."

Sound familiar? It should. It's the Talmudic variation of The Golden Rule.

As for evolution doing the rest, all our best characteristics are slowly improved on and carried over to future generations in DNA. It’s what Gopi Krishna called The Evolutionary Impulse. He knew that kundalini energy, even in its dormant state, is still active to a certain degree. It must be, otherwise we would never have evolved at all.

Let’s hope that the wonders wrought by our evolution get to play themselves out over the coming millenniums, that evolution does not become devolution, which, when we evaluate current events, is anything but a given. There’s a lot to be vigilant about and it begins with the ability of the self to make good life, as well as, lifestyle decisions.

Develop your mind, body, and spirit to the best of your ability and you will get there. I promise.

It takes a lot of work, which sometimes means less effort and more letting go.

Rule Four: Let go!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Kundalini Transformation - Part 02

During my 12 year Kundalini transformation, my sense of sound has expanded; all sounds now appear "wavy" in my mind's eye. There is a stillness inside me at all times now as my Ego thoughts have been quieted over time. I often see a representation of the sound in my mind's eye as a picture, depending on how still my consciousness is at that moment. 

Every sound has a thought behind it. Once you slow everything down, you can actually see that thought. I use the word "wavy" since sound moves in waves, the same as the tides of the sea, and once I am completely still I can see its form. After this transformation in my processing of sound, I feel literally like I am in Heaven and on Earth at the same time. The stillness inside me enables me to pick up vibrations around me as if I'm an antenna. It is Heavenly in nature and almost feels as if I am walking on clouds. In movies, whenever there's a depiction of heaven, it's up above the clouds, silent and quiet with a feeling of being elevated to a higher place beyond our atmosphere — nothing material about it.

I remember how I used to experience things before this transformation and I can safely say this is Planet Earth 2.0.

Combined with the new sense of sight mentioned in the previous article, it is almost as if I was given a permanent virtual reality headset to wear 24/7. I live in the same world as everyone else but see it and experience it differently.

I wish others could experience this. If this information was more widely known, people would choose it over riches and fame. No money in the world can buy this experience and I would not trade it for anything.

The expansion in my physical sight occurred five months into my awakening 12 years ago. It was one of the first manifestations of the kundalini awakening. By now, I'm completely used to it and am often are reminded of how cool it is when I look at new landscapes or visit new cities. First thing I do is walk downtown to experience the bright lights and architecture.

Light permanently inside middle of the brain
There are moments when I am so immersed in this vision and out of my body, that I become one with what I am looking at and see everything as a two dimensional beam of Light coming from the Sun. I can actually "scry" inside this vision and see parallel universes that exist here and now, but are imperceptible to normal human sight. Scrying is a process of looking into physical objects using the mind's eye. This experience occurs as a rapture, as my consciousness is swooped up to experience this vision. It comes over me as a wave and I become pure consciousness embracing this vision. My visions often see the world in Medieval times for some reason, only to a much smaller scale than our own present time world. There are parallel worlds existing here and now inside Light and once you're able to alter your own vibration you can actually see them with your very eyes.

Due to this expansion of the Mind's Eye, if I focus on a human being for ten seconds or so, I will slip out of myself and start to see the colors of that person's energy. If I carry this vision further, I will change states of consciousness and see the person from the perspective of an ant, or sometimes a greater and even larger being. The longer I keep this in focus, the more my visual sight changes continuously. I can even see animals and different beings in people. In reality, we are all Light beings of pure consciousness and a kundalini awakening is the evolution of consciousness and Light. 

After the initial awakening, I experienced an altering of my own vibrational frequency which changed the condition of the physical universe. Normally, I hear the kundalini in my ears as a continuous buzzing of bees, which changes pitch as I take in food. One time I was able to tap into the source of the vibration and change it to the sound of a Mustang car, a low growling sound. When this occurred, I saw the entire world before me as a hologram — objects suspended in space. This vision lasted for about ten seconds and then my ego took over and the vibration changed to its regular sound, bringing me down to the level of matter. 

All the visions I describe in this and my previous article are not seen in my head when I close my eyes. That would not be unique since I would only be using my imagination. These visions occur with my actual physical eyes. And they happen when I notice something outside of myself and I look at it. Immediately, an internal process of rapture occurs and some visual manifestation takes place, as if I has woken in the morning and gone outside, only to see it as I described while performing the same daily tasks.

Another important life transformation for me has been lucid dreaming and astral travel. As this Light energy has built up inside me over time, I started to lucid dream on a daily basis. In the astral world, there is no gravity; pure consciousness is the Law which guides it. This means that you can fly, walk through walls, transport yourself to any place on the Earth —levitating objects and fulfilling any and all desires. This is just some of the gifts but there are more. 

The best part is that in a lucid dream, consciousness is completely awake and aware in the same way as waking, physical life. The difference is only a matter of degree, but the concept and experience are the same. It is in all respect pure imagination and desire feeding itself through its experiences. The source of our souls is imagination and Light.

As for astral travel, which occurs during lucid dreams, I have had incredible out-of-body experiences over the last 12 years I have been living with awakened kundalini. I have visited astral worlds that are beautiful to behold. I traveled to different galaxies and talked to extraterrestrial Beings, and received information about myself and the world as well as our future as a human race. Oftentimes, my lucid dream world is so strong that I cannot wake up from it and would sleep for 16 hours at a time in a sleep paralysis. When I try to wake up, the power of the dream would just throw me back down onto the pillow. 

Flying in a Lucid Dream
I have spent hours on end downloading information from otherworldly beings and ascended Masters in the same way Neo was downloading computer programs in The Matrix. In one hour, I can download 20 books worth of information. Through these downloads I have received certain Truths about us and the world we live in. 

Over time, I naturally developed a technique of un-focusing my mind's eye in a lucid dream to step into a reality which I term "hyper consciousness," a state beyond the realm of human consciousness. This state is similar to an LSD or Peyote trip, but different because there's a "futuristic" feel to it. These are some of the effects of a kundalini awakening — a higher state of evolution and a realm of ontological perfection that awaits our race. We truly do live in the Matrix where your potential of life experience is so incredible that you cannot even imagine it until it happens.

Everything around us is consciousness and Light. Once you awaken kundalini, which is Light, you behold the Universe around you as it really is. And inside this Light there are so many different states of consciousness, so many different experiences. A rapture for everyone, a losing of oneself — going beyond the Ego to experience it. It happens during meditation, which in my case is a permanent state, since every act of focusing my attention is an act of meditation.

A lot of people have had kundalini awakenings, but few have reported experiences such as the ones I have had in their overall transformation. What separates the type of kundalini awakening I have had from a spontaneous one or shaktipat is that you have to raise a sufficient amount of prana during the initial awakening in order to blow open and expand the mind's eye. The sexual energy that meditation generates is key to doing this successfully. That is why most people with awakenings do not experience the world the same way as I do, or the way Gopi Krishna did. 

A Drawing — The Expansion Of Physical Sight, One Year Into My Awakening

Gopi Krishna is one of the few people I have read who lived in the exact same world as me. And reading his work really helped me at peak points of my awakening. I have been researching kundalini extensively for 12 years and have spoken to over 200 people over social media or in person and I have not found many who report the same accounts as me. I do not say this to brag because I never asked for any of this, but I mention this to explain the varied kundalini experiences and its overall potential.

The breaking of the Cosmic Egg at the top of the Crown results in the "electrocution" effect and the awakening of the 72,000 nadis, or the full activation of the Spiritual Body. This occurs during a spontaneous awakening or shaktipat, but to awaken the mind's eye and expand it during the initial kundalini rising, you have perform a proven energy cultivation technique in order to generate enough prana. "Prana can be stimulated by the practice of pranayama and thereby increased to a greater quantum."*

Tantric sex is a form of generating prana consciously and if it results in a kundalini awakening it can be a powerful one. In my case, I was doing a form of tantric practice and having continuous internal orgasms which awakened kundalini. The intensity at which it blew open all of my psychic centers was incredible. I had the experience of the white Light at the apex of my kundalini rising.

It is my belief that everything around us, at least within our atmosphere on Earth is white Light. It is the reason all living things need air to breath and survive. Air is Spirit and Spirit is Air. We are literally taking in this white Light every waking moment through breath. White Light, Air, Spirit are the same thing. A kundalini awakening is an awakening to this state of being in Spirit. As you are in Spirit, you are in-spired. This is where the word inspired comes from. 

Gopi Krishna's description of the visual transformation of how he sees things physically is still the best example I've read to this day. To me, it is such an important and amazing part of the overall transformation that I often wonder why it is not talked about more. But then, most individuals do not report the same effects described herein. He talks about a shimmering, silvery haze being transposed on all things he sees with his eyes which is exactly what I experienced. It is the Light inside the head that is present at all times that creates this experience.

Kundalini Science is a reality. Unfortunately, the physical sciences have no means of measuring or studying it, other than listening to, and possibly compiling the many anecdotal accounts from around the world. The tipping point for science is always critical mass: there must be enough accounts that share the same triggers and effects. Unfortunately, at the moment, the are two many variations, too many variables.

Some variables are the same, some are different. In reality, our biological composition as well as the pathways of the kundalini, the nadis and channels, are similar, but they are not sufficient to assure that the triggers and effects, the experiences of risings and different manifestations of gifts, are mostly the same. All experiences, though, have at their core, the evolution of consciousness in its many aspects and, as their goal, the complete liberation from the physical body. As you are liberated from the physical body, you step into the newly forming Spirit-body, the body of Light.

In the future, as more and more people become aware of the full potential of kundalini, a true Kundalini Science will emerge along with the scientific means of measuring the intensity and level of the experience. This truly is the most important thing on our planet; sadly most people are unaware of it. Kundalini is the source of individual as well as cosmic consciousness. It is the key, the prime mover in our evolution. Why we were given this evolutionary mechanism I do not know. Why most are still unawakened, that I also do not know.
Says JJ Semple, "If kundalini didn't serve a useful purpose, it wouldn't be part of our beings. Evolution would have eliminated it. That's how evolution works...which would make no sense because kundalini is the driving force behind human evolution."
There are forces at work which conceal this experience from the public eye on a mass scale because keeping the knowledge of their true spiritual potential from human beings serves their socio-political purposes. By keeping humanity asleep to the Spirit and dwelling in the Ego, they can control us easier. But the time will come when the control factors will be dissolved and more and more will be awakened which will truly usher the planet into a new Golden Age as predicted by the ancients. Once this happens on a grand scale, we will have the answers to who we are as well as the purpose of living on this planet with this dormant and embedded kundalini mechanism. We are still at the dawn of our destiny as spiritual human beings in the Cosmos. And that is very exciting indeed.

Click To Read Part One Of This Article...

Friday, April 7, 2017

Finding God — Within or Without

“The Arian controversy was really about the nature of man and how we are saved. It involved two pictures of Jesus Christ: Either he was a God who had always been God or he was a man who became God’s Son. The Church’s theological position was, in part, dictated by its political needs. The Arian position had the potential to erode the authority of the Church since it implied that the soul did not need the Church to achieve salvation.”
~ Reincarnation: The Missing Link in Christianity – Elizabeth Clare Prophet

The unanswered question, not only in Christianity, but in all religions, is: how does an individual experience — Oneness with the Universal Spirit — come to pass?

Is it achieved through the practice of energy cultivation techniques that seek to awaken our evolutionary, biological Kundalini forces, thereby ushering in enlightenment? Or is it by salvation, through the intervention of some orthodox religion with its doctrines and dogmas? It's a discussion that hangs over all spiritual exploration, dramatically hi-lighted in Christianity by the 4th. Century struggle between the dissident followers of Arius and the orthodox followers of St. Augustine.

Let’s turn to the Internet, that source of information elitists looks down on, but readily use. And why not? Who says the people can’t manage knowledge in a rigorous fashion, can’t come up with valid definitions and explanations? Let’s see what the WikiNet has to say about Oneness, salvation, and religious cosmology.

In Hinduism we run across the concept of Moksha. “Moksha is a final release from one's worldly conception of self, the loosening of the shackles of experiential duality and a re-establishment of one's own fundamental nature, though this nature is seen as ineffable and beyond sensation. Moksha is achieved when the individual Atman unites with Brahman, the source of all phenomenal existence – through practice of Yoga.”

Here we have a framework to work within. At the same time, we have an empirically proven system – Yoga – which, if successfully practiced, allows you to attain the Oneness state.

As for Sikhism, pretty much the same approach: “According to Guru Nanak, the founder of Sikhism, the goal of the human is to unite with God and for this the Sikh must conquer the ego, thus realizing his true nature, which is the same as God.”

According to Buddhism, “the whole universe is a single, dynamic web of energy. There is no almighty God in Buddhism. There is no one to hand out rewards or punishments on a supposed Judgment Day. Buddhism is not strictly a religion in the context of ‘owing allegiance to a supernatural being.’ There is no savior concept in Buddhism. Although a Buddhist seeks refuge in the Buddha as his incomparable guide who indicates the path of purity, he makes no servile surrender. The Buddha is not an incarnation of God. The relationship between the Buddha and his disciples and followers is that of a teacher and student. The liberation of self is the responsibility of one’s own self. Buddhism does not call for an unquestionable blind faith by all Buddhist followers. It places heavy emphasis on self-reliance, self-discipline and individual striving.”

As concerns Christianity, “Creation now has its end and purpose in Christ. Therefore, and not surprisingly so, Christian interest in cosmology and creation has changed from being concerned with matter or technique to one of relationship, that is, a dependency on the creator not only for his creation but also for subsistence.” Interesting that the author here uses the word “changed,” as in the Christian interest in cosmology and creation has changed from being concerned with matter or technique to one of relationship. What does this mean? It simply highlights the evolutionary aspect of Christian doctrine, how it changed course as a result of the Arian controversy, how it demoted the idea of self-realization in favor of a process that featured the intervention of Church authority.

Again, Elizabeth Clare Prophet: “If Jesus was a man who became God’s Son, it implied that other men could also become Sons of God.” Sound familiar? It should, because it sums up the ontology of most of the other major religions. However, “this idea was unacceptable to the orthodox, hence their insistence the Jesus had always been God and was entirely different from all created beings. The Church’s theological position was, in part, dictated by its political needs. The Arian position had the potential to erode the authority of the Church since it implied that the soul did not need the Church to achieve salvation.”

So, given the fact that Christianity veered away from the notion that by practicing certain techniques (Yoga, meditation, etc.) to attain a state of Oneness, how do you reconcile these various cosmologies? And what’s the point of religion if you can't? Is it only to follow established doctrines, only to conform, not to explore? It seems that the Eastern religions encourage their followers to explore. Whether that's true in actual practice, I don’t know.

The point is not who's a heretic, or who's saved and who's not, or by what means, according to which doctrines; it's examining these cosmologies from the point of common sense.

As far as religion goes, if it's a set of moral standards for daily life, what more do you need than the Golden Rule? “Treat others as you would like to be treated” or its Judaic counterpart, “What is hateful to you, do not do to your neighbor.” Most religions share this ethic of reciprocity. If the world’s population observed it, it's hard to imagine crime or war existing. But that's another issue.

If the goal of religion is enlightenment or salvation, above and beyond a moral code for leading a good life, then the various religions have done a poor job. Wars, pogroms, crusades, jihads, persecutions, sexual molestations, inquisitions, witch-hunts are only some of their failings.

Religions are touchy; they don't like criticism. Ever hear of confession? Sounds like 1984. Big Brother, permanent inquisition. Ferreting out the great menaces — heresy, doubt, individual initiative, the inquisitive mind. Not only in the Christian religion, but in other religions as well. And let's not forget the other major orthodoxies: Marxism, Fascism, Communism, Psychiatry; they also fear deviant thoughts. Heck, we even speak of Democratic or Republican heresies as deviations from mainstream politics. The Church of Scientology uses the term squirreling to denote its heretics.

Better to accept the governing teachings of one's chosen religion without questioning. But what are the governing teachings? According to a NY Times article about a test on basic religious knowledge, most true believers don't know very much about the teachings they, as members of their given faith, are supposed to know. In fact according to the test, they know less than non-believers about their chosen faith. It's almost as if people don't care what they believe. Instead of, Let me explore and find the answer for myself, they say, It's too much trouble, just tell me what to believe in.

So if the majority doesn't really understand what they believe in, why should you bow to pressure from those who don't know have a clear idea of what they believe in? According to Bill Maher, 15% of the American populace are atheists-agnostics, non-believers. Yet, according the the poll cited in the NY Times article these non-believers know more about the various religions than their own adherents do; they scored better on the test.

How is that possible? Most non-believers were once believers, or were at least exposed to certain beliefs by their parents. Once they began to doubt, they ran the precepts and doctrines they were taught through logic and fact checks. That means they studied the various religions in order to substantiate their claims and found inconsistencies and anomalies along the way. Which was enough to turn them into non-believers. That doesn't mean they've stopped looking for something to believe in; it means they have applied Ouspensky's dictum of questioning everything you see, hear, or feel. Not a bad credo to live by.

So what about the believers who scored poorly? What does that say about them? Must they know a lot to be saved or awakened? Or is fervor and zeal enough? It depends on what you're trying to do. If you're trying to speak in tongues or become carried away by other Pentecostal practices, then you probably don't need to know all that much. You do what you do on faith and you try to enter into the spirit of the moment; exhaustive doctrinal knowledge is not necessary. If on the other hand, you are interested in the mystical proposition, that of "merging with the creator" or spiritual awakening through meditation practice, then you have to find the Path that suits you, and that demands study, not the least of which is the study of the self.

Where does that leave traditional religion? Somewhere in a vast, yet vague, middle ground with nothing much to do except debate points of dogma, lording it over the rest of us — non-believers, mystics, and Pentecostals alike — who tackle spiritual practice head-on. Yes, they probably know more that we do. But without a true spiritual practice to follow, they have a lot of time on their hands, so they set themselves up as bodies of judgement, judging you and your dedication. Are you truly dedicated? Are your thoughts pure enough? Are you a doubter? A squirreler?

Do you really need someone examining your thoughts, judging you for them? Not if you obey the Golden Rule, you don't. That's all the religion you need.

Traditional religion has failed. Why? Because it's largely a political creation; the people involved in actual religious practices are few and far between. Like the army or big business, only 20% are down in the trenches doing the work; the rest — the 80% — are politicking your future, deciding whether to include your name in this months "to be downsized" list, checking on the purity of your commitment. Yet you cling to the mainstream, in hopes of escaping immanent danger. What danger? That is never revealed, all the better to keep you afraid of the future. Shouldn't this spur you to take it upon yourself to discover the truth?

Arius - Wikipedia ©

Contrast the traditional approach with the Arian
* notion that teaches men can transform themselves into Sons of God. What's the common sense difference between the traditional and the mystic path? Well, for one, to follow the Arian path you don't need an army of supporters, supernumeraries, spinmeisters, and sycophants. By and large this work must be done alone — with you, yourself, at the helm. Two, since you're on your own, there's no one challenging your approach; no one calling you a heretic, no one blaming you because you doubt. You don't have to conform. So, adapt a pragmatic, empirically scientific approach to finding the truth. Challenge everything you see, hear, or feel. Refuse to take the word of some institution or individual many times removed from the source. Armed with an ethic of reciprocity and a meditation method like GFM, and perhaps, a touch of Yoga or Tai Chi, seek and find the truth by yourself. If you do, your path might look something like this:

You don't have to feel guilt and you don't have to contribute money, No one's going to get burned at the stake because you meditate in the quiet of your own room.

Look at the growing numbers of those striking out on their own path. Compare them to the numbers of those leaving conventional religions. And not just for reasons of disillusionment, sexual molestation and the lot. People are tired of top-down, people are reading and thinking more. People are experimenting with everything from tattoos to the personalization of religion – the self-awakening process, self-realization. Can the truth — the Way, the Path, whatever you want to call it — only be handed to you from without by some authorized representative of orthodox religion or can you find it within by using your wits and trusting your eternal nature?

* Arian, used inclusively. Encompasses early Christians and others who believed through spiritual practice men could attain union with God, much the same way they believed Jesus and other adepts had done. Gnostics, Siddhartha Gautama, Pathagorians, Neoplatonists, Catharists. Sure there are differences among these groups, but by and large they sought awakening or union with God through personal practice. I call it Merging with the Creative Superstructure of Life.