Stand-Alone Pages

Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Metaphysics - The World Beyond the Physical World

Kundalini, Out of Body Experience (OBE), and Near Death Experience (NDE) are related. Each begins as a physical experience that ultimately triggers a variety of metaphysical phenomena, yet only NDE is studied in the Psychology Departments of large universities, in spite of the fact that strict corroboration by the scientific method has not yet happened. But like so many discoveries in science, just because they are not corroborated until the moment they are discovered and verified doesn’t mean they do not exist. No one knew about the endocrine system, DNA, atomic power, or genetic code before they were discovered. Doesn’t mean they did not exist.

OBE, NDE, and kundalini begin as physical phenomena, which almost immeditately induce metaphysical (beyond the physical) experiences, and that’s where scientists balk. At least many of them do, however...

Dr. Sam Parnia, a critical care doctor and director of resuscitation research at the Stony Brook University School of Medicine, studies what people experience in that period after their heart stops and before they're resuscitated.

"The experience that people have is very personal and it's very real to them. So, for most people who've gone through these experiences, as far as they're concerned, what they've experienced is absolutely real. They've described and seen something of the other side. Now, for those of us who haven't had the experience, it's impossible to verify that, but in the same way that, for instance, if a patient comes to me and says, 'I have depression,' it would be completely unacceptable for me as a physician to simply discard that experience and say, 'Well, I don't think [so]. You may feel that you're depressed, but actually it's an illusion of having depression or you're hallucinating. Your depression, it's not really real.' So we have to remember that to the people who've had the experience, it's real to them."
"In his new book Erasing Death: The Science That Is Rewriting the Boundaries Between Life and Death, Parnia examines the experiences patients describe, but whereas much discussion around the experience of death has been philosophical or personal, Parnia is looking at the subject scientifically.”

Many people feel that NDE stories are too far out. Obviously, one's upbringing, lifestyle, and convictions influence acceptance of these accounts.

Why is NDE Being Studied?
For two reasons. One, there are corroborated accounts of NDers, who have been declared clinically dead, being able to cite observations, identifying certain factual information only occurring during the time they were certifiably dead. For instance, a nurse wearing a yellow dress comes into the hospital room of a "dead person.” Later, after the dead person is revived and he/she sees the nurse who wore the yellow dress a few days later, he/she complements the nurse about the "yellow dress," even though the nurse is now wearing a green dress and only wore the yellow one once, during the time the patient was declared clinically dead.

Two, because, even though the accounts of individuals who have undergone an NDE cannot be completely verified by present means of physical science, they are plentiful, common, and ubiquitous, and that means critical mass.

And what is science all about if it's not critical mass? Think about it. If one elephant talked, it'd probably be called witchcraft. But if elephants all over the world started talking, scientists would investigate and it would be considered worthy of study. And the graduate research students they use as cheap labor would be begging for a chance to work on the phenomenon to get recognized. Energetic young people able and willing to undertake the work of testing, discovery, and data classification. That's the difference between Kundalini and the NDE — critical mass and the fact that Kundalini experiences vary so much from one individual to another. Nevertheless, Kundalini is a physiological, and as it progresses a metaphysical, reality. A biological actuality. Yet, so far, scientists have not recognized its study value. But if the NDE is worthy of scientific investigation, so is kundalini. NDE and Kundalini induce the same effects, exhibit the same characteristics, use the same biological subsystem, and effectuate the same transition from physical to metaphysical.

Why Have Scientists Neglected Kundalini?
Why not investigate the links between 'L-Field' research, OBEs, NDEs, Kundalini, and The Tibetan Book of the Dead? A body of information at the very interface of physical and metaphysical.

The reason Kundalini has not attracted scientific research is money. The same reason that science in the 1940s turned away from the startling discoveries of Royal Raymond Rife.

In his book Deciphering the Golden Flower One Secret at a Time, JJ Semple states, "After activating the Kundalini-life force energy, I was able to see the blueprint of my perfect body..." In effect, the sub-molecular structure of life.

JJ Semple's empirical research resonates with Edward Russell’s Design for Destiny: Science Reveals the Soul, (1970). "That is an extremely crude illustration of the way in which the ‘fields of life’ keep the changing atoms, molecules, and cells in the same pattern. The human electromagnetic field, of course, is infinitely more complicated than an ordinary magnetic field because it contains many local or ‘sub-fields’ of the atoms, molecules, cell and organs which, to some extent, interact with it. Despite this ‘feed-back’ from the subfields there is plenty of evidence that the overall field of the body is primary and controls its component fields.”